Small World Indeed

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edited for the purpose of this blog
photo by Camzar 

I got excited the minute my friend told me that we will do hair and makeup for 22 people this July. My friend told me to do the hair and makeup for the 5 beautiful flower girls. Kids, ha! that will be easy right? A little makeup just to make them cute and it will be all set. But the moment of truth happened and thinking it will be easy is very wrong lol. They are very sweet and no one threw tantrums but they are still kids, and we know how malikot they can be. It suddenly occured to me how I am a pain in the ass when Im just a little kid going to the barber with my malikot self haha
Despite all the little burns I get from curling their hair (its better me, than them) It all turned out well, nothing to serious as they are kids and it will be very wrong to have a strong makeup look for them so I concentrated with pink and orange for the eyes and cheeks for the youthful sweet cute look that suited for kids. One funny moment was when I said that 'it will be just like barbie' and the lovely girl liked it but when I fixed her hair and put the flower crown she told us 'hindi naman ganito si barbie' lol I dont know what to say to her but good thing her mom was there and explained it and at the end she's ok with it :) Imagine if her beautiful mom wasnt there, I dont know what to say haha 

2 of the cute flower girls :) 
photo by Camzar

and the point of this post (my makeup artistry) here's one of the bridesmaids look that I did 

While we are busy in the makeup room, I noticed that the mother of the bride looks familiar and thought to myself if she was my professor way back in college but since I'm not sure if I'm right and with a lot of people inside I was hesitant to ask if she was my professor since I dont want to embarrass myself if its not her. After the wedding, our lovely bride came back for the 2nd look while her sisters and her mom came back for some touch-ups as well. Since there aren't a lot of people now compared earlier I took the chance to ask her if she was a professor  and she is! It was her haha.. I told her that I became one of her students before when I was in 2nd year college. She asked if she passed me and I said yes with flying colors lol she also said that its nice that I remember her and told her about it.. It just amazes me how small the world can be :) 

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