Why Have A Prenup Shoot

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Photo by Marvin Aquino

There is always a question in every soon to be married couples about prenup photos. Do they really need it? Is it necessary? Is it just an added expense or if they can just live without it?
Aside of having a lot of use for the engagement photos here's some more advantages on having a prenup session.

Photo by We Do It For Love
First you will have the chance to get to know your photographers and build a relationship with, after all they will be the ones who will cover your precious day so getting to know them, seeing first hand how they work will definitely give you an added ease that your in good hands come your wedding day
Photo by Jun Estacio

Photo by Bryan Venancio

Couples who are not used to being photograph may find a prenup session very helpful. From my experience, couples tend to be shy and nervous once the session has started. Often perspiring (added by the intense heat), haven't slept before the shoot, and some are a little shaken in front of the camera, Having a prenup session will definitely help you get loose and experience first hand what will it be on your big day with all the cameras on you. It is the ultimate confidence booster because you will learn a lot from the session with your photographer and stylist. Simply knowing the right pose, the right angle and knowing whats its like to be photographed will give you that confidence. Having already experienced it first hand, you already know what to expect being in front of a camera. And that's one thing off your shoulder to worry about in your big day  

Photo by CamZar Photo
It's one way to show your love to the world. Your wedding photos is very different from your engagement photos. Many might think that they will have their photos taken on their wedding and they dont need to have a prenup shoot. Wedding photos is more of a coverage of your big day. A photos of your celebration and portrait of your marriage. However, engagement photos are very different, its about commemorating your love. You can totally play along with your style that you want, be it vintage, light or just dramatic, engagement photos can totally be your side of fun and another outlet of your creativity and who you are as a couple.

photo by A&A Photography

Whatever you guys decide to go for, your happiness is what truly matters. It is a celebration of your love and the most important of it all is that you have each other <3

All photos are styled by us 
visit indiehippiestyle.ml for more of these prenup photos
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